Providing Comfort, Dignity, and Holistic Support

Integrated’s hospice program focuses on maximizing comfort while relieving symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and restlessness. People with life-limiting illnesses benefit from Integrated’s unique focus on comfort and symptom control. Families of people at the end of their lives benefit from the extensive physical, emotional, and social support provided by Integrated’s team of hospice professionals.

Integrated Hospice provides hospice care in Lake County, Illinois, in your home or in our state-of-the-art hospice facility in Libertyville, Illinois.


Your loved one is eligible for hospice care when a physician certifies that they have a terminal illness with a prognosis of six months or less if the disease runs its normal course.


Hospice care is an elected benefit covered under Medicare Part A and under many private insurance plans.

Services We Provide:

Skilled Nursing Care

Skilled nursing care includes:

  • Pain medication management, symptom management, and
  • Individualized comfort care tailored to the patient’s needs.

Integrated’s expert hospice nurses provide extensive teaching and support for both patients and their families.

Hospice Aide

Integrated’s compassionate hospice aides are caring individuals who help patients to carry out their activities of daily living, such as bathing and dressing, personal care, and mobility in the home.

Medical Social Worker

Our medical social workers specialize in the social care of people with limiting illnesses and the families who love them. Integrated’s medical social workers are licensed professionals who guide individuals and families through the difficult time that is the end of life. Our medical social workers also help patients and families coordinate community services for resource planning and bereavement support.

Spiritual and Bereavement Services

Integrated’s hospice chaplain honors and nurtures a patient’s spiritual needs during end-of-life. An essential member of the team, the chaplain provides:

  • Counseling services to patients and families,
  • Spiritual support
  • Religious services
  • Crisis intervention and bereavement services

As medical professionals trained to work with patients in hospice. Our chaplains and social workers are trained to provide crisis intervention and bereavement services.

Get in Touch

We ensure you receive care with the quality associated with the highest medical standards. Contact us.